Mirasol Initiates New Generative Program in Chile-Argentina Epithermal and Porphyry Belts
VANCOUVER, BC – March 5, 2007 – Mirasol Resources Ltd. (TSXV: MRZ; Frankfurt: M8R) would like to inform its investors that the company has commenced an exploration program in the Tertiary Arc of Chile and Argentina. This program aims to build a new portfolio of gold-silver-copper projects for Mirasol in this world-class mineral belt. The program targets epithermal and porphyry deposits types as exemplified by Meridian’s El Penon epithermal vein (3.8 M oz. gold and 63 M oz. silver), Barrick’s Veladero high sulphidation deposit (12.8 M oz. gold) and numerous large and giant porphyry copper deposits in the region.
Mirasol’s Tertiary exploration program is the culmination of a comprehensive generative effort which integrates extensive historic and proprietary data sets with leading edge image processing and GIS technologies. The generative concept focuses on “arc gaps” in established mineral belts, where geology suggests there is good potential for the discovery of partially exposed or shallowly concealed mineral deposits.
Mirasol has assembled a new team of senior Latin American geologists who will focus their efforts on exploration of the high priority targets identified during the generative phase. This team of geologists brings together over 60 years of operational and exploration experience in the Tertiary age mineral belts of the Andes.
The Tertiary exploration program will give Mirasol exposure to a range of large tonnage gold, silver and copper deposits that are attractive targets for major mining companies of the world. Mirasol’s Tertiary program will run concurrently with its successful epithermal gold and silver exploration in Santa Cruz Province of southern Argentina.
This press release has been prepared by Stephen Nano, Vice President of Exploration for Mirasol Resources, who is a qualified person under N.I. 43-101.
For further information, contact:
Mary L. Little, President & CEO
Mirasol Resources Ltd.
Tel: (604) 602-9989
Email: contact@mirasolresources.com
Website: www.mirasolresources.com
Investor Relations:
Bruce Korhonen, Ascenta Capital Partners Inc.
Phone: (604) 684-4743 ext. 230
Toll free: 1-866-684-4743 ext. 230
Email: bruce@ascentacapital.com
Quality Assurance/Quality Control: Exploration at the Claudia and Santa Rita Projects is supervised by Mirasol’s Exploration Manager, Timothy Heenan, and Vice President Exploration, Stephen Nano, both qualified persons under NI 43-101. All technical information for the Company’s Argentina projects is obtained and reported under a formal quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) program.
The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the content of this news release.