Mirasol in the News: HRA Journal October 2009
Mirasol was recently profiled and recommended in the Hard Rock Analyst’s HRA Journal edition in October 2009. There, the authors state: “Mirasol has been a project generator in the emerging southern Patagonia gold-silver district. Having watched that district grow through the past decade from one to four mines, and counting, we have also watched progress by MRZ but not focused on its work because of its focus on the farm-out model rather than in-house discovery. Mirasol does have a discovery, in its Joaquin project that is farmed out to Coeur d’Alene Mines (CDE-N, CDN-T). Testing has resumed there, and while MRZ has seen some lift recently we don’t think the market fully appreciates this has gone from a bulk tonnage target to a high-grade silver discovery akin to other mine makers in Argentina. With a C$15 million marketcap, Mirasol is trading well below the value of its retained 30% if this project grows to mineable dimensions. Upside is in scale potential and rising precious metal prices.”
“On top of this Mirasol holds a number of other projects and continues to generate new targets in southern Argentina, and is doing generative work in parts of Chile with large scale gold-silver-copper potential… there is a lot of other potential in what has become one of the more important new gold-silver districts for mid tier deposits.”
“While the near term basis for being in the stock is the new drilling testing at Joaquin, we expect progress on other holdings to enhance the valuation going forward. In a rising precious metals market, this is simply a good spot to be putting holes in the ground.”
Click here to view the entire HRA Journal article on Mirasol Resources Ltd.
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HRA Journal is published by Stockwork Consulting Ltd. (Box 84909„ Phoenix AZ 85071) 1-800-528-0559 http://www.hardrockanalyst.com
About Mirasol Resources Ltd.
Mirasol is an exploration stage company focused on precious metals exploration in emerging areas and holds a large portfolio of high quality gold-silver properties in Santa Cruz Province, southern Argentina, as well as a strategically located copper (gold) exploration project in northern Chile. Through its proprietary project generation and targeting, Mirasol has identified, staked and holds 100% interest in all exploration properties. The Joaquin project is a joint venture with Coeur d’Alene Mines and is providing significant high grade silver with gold credit in drill results.
For further information, please contact:
Mary Little
President and CEO
Tel: 604-602-9989